One thing that happens to me is my mind will get in these "ruts" where I am constantly replaying this negative (Imaginary) scene over and over in my head. It feels like I am spiraling down into a dark hole with this scene. This used to be my thought process 90% of the time. How often are you in this frame of mind? (For everyone it is different as Echart Tolle describes in "the power of now" some have a light pain body and others have a heavier one)
I was able to finally change this thought process around so that I am no longer thinking in this manner. For everyone it is a different process of how to get there & I will explain mine. What is takes to get there is the same. The first thing is awareness, much like admitting there is a problem. Once you are aware of the effects, it takes a a commitment to change, it takes learning how to change and doing the work it takes.
Through reading Echart Tolle, I learned about this mind pattern. There is a man who is talking to himself, he continues on and on. He realizes that we all do that in our minds, the only difference between him and that man is the man says it out loud without attachment to what others say or think. This really stayed with me. I have seen it happen as well. I also found a meditation practice that is a life changing tool. I then began working with a program that dives deep into becoming aware of thought patterns that we have on a daily basis. Today, these thought patterns are not running my life. It is like going to the gym to achieve your fitness goals. It takes daily activity and a commitment to change. As the image below illustrates, you to can clean out all of the clutter floating around.
#EchartTolle #Power of Now #MindFreedom #happiness
If you would like to know more about this concept or the programs I have used, send me a message.
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