Friday, March 20, 2015

How Oprah came to live life at her fullest potential & you can too!

The interview that I wanted to highlight is at it is titled "Oprah Winfrey on Career, Life and Leadership"

I watched this interview, I was so amazed on so many levels with this content. The first was Oprah's demeanor, she was fully submerged in being interviewed rather than her usual role of interviewing. Oprah was very open to answering all questions. If there was something that she did not know, she was honest rather than making something up. She was very complete and through in her answers. She discussed from childhood all the way up to today's current events. 

She discussed how she became successful, how she came to live life at her fullest potential. The mistakes that she has made over the years and how she has overcome them. I am a student of personal development (PD for short) and leadership. I will never know everything because I am always open to learning and expanding more. What I noticed in her interview, was the many PD techniques she has used over the years to accomplish the amazing things that she has done. I recognize these tools and how they are applied to a person's life and the amazing results that one can accomplish. 

**She talks about how she has always known things for herself regardless of what others said to her.
**She followed the unpopular path and followed only her personal North Star. 
**She talks about the mistake of following what other's were doing with their popular talk shows. How she was aware of this and fixed the mistake. 
**She talks about how she made her show last 25+ years because she was true to herself and accepted nothing less than the best. 
**She gives the advice to only worry about the next step, not to worry about the whole staircase. 
**She talks about the life that she is currently creating for herself.  
If you are really listening, she tells you how you can be just as successful as she is, but of course on your own terms. 

I highly encourage you to watch the video and take personal notes for yourself on how you can improve your life today with small steps. There is no reason why you can not have success.

If you would like more information about the techniques she identifies, send me a message. 
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Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Generating Cash Flow

I was listening to a talk about how to generate cash flow. A topic of interest for many people. I was thinking about those who actually choose to implement certain and those who choose to just listen and think, "ahh, that is interesting" and not take action. Yes, generating cash flow will require work and changes. When we listen or read about things and not take action, we are wasting our time. We might as well be sitting in front of the TV because we are not valuing our time.

This talk was different, it went into the mindset of a person who does choose to take action. (The only way that is worth thinking about.) Those who choose to take action because they are really in need of generating cash flow will take these ideas and run with them. The other part of the equation also deciding that this is important, this has to be done.

These were outside of the box ideas, for your reference, I wanted to share with you in case you choose to take action. The topic is Spring Cleaning, go through each room and evaluate, what things do you actually use? What are you not using? Are you willing to sell it, toss it? I.E. Part with the items. In order to have success, you must be willing to part with these items. On the other side of the coin, what items are you buying that you are not using? Think about each purchase before you make it. Ask yourself, if this $1,000 TV were $5,000 would I still buy it? If the answer is no, then leave the item at the store. Those Starbucks or 7-11 morning coffees add up on a daily basis, if you need the caffeine, use another source or buy it from the grocery store. You will save time in the morning and money.

Your daily life... Are you buying food that is unhealthy? Food that will cause weight gain? Find and image that will deter you from buying it, use the 5x the price, think about how it will make you fatter and need to buy more clothes. Whatever the image is for you. I pass up these isles and sections very quickly. I did not see it so I did not buy it. There are emotional and spontaneous purchases, both are made daily and add up very quickly. All that you are doing is adding to your debt.

Are you paying for services that are "convenient"? Car detailing, house cleaning, oil changes, minor house repairs? Yes, it is easier to pay someone else to do these things for you, however you could be applying this money to other more important areas of your life. Another way around this is to barter for services, you have something you are good at, others have their talents. Offer doing something in exchange for them doing something.

The list of ways and ideas could go on and on. What it comes down to is;
How bad do you want the change?
How bad do you want a happier life?
To what lengths are you willing to go after the things you really want, the things that will give you a better life?
Generating cash flow is about your mindset and following through. There are things that everyone can do, they are not willing to do it. They believe the cable, the cheesecake, the car detailing are all essential to survive, the reality is they are not. If you did not have these items, you would still live, and you would be better off not having these items.

What are the ways you an implement this into your life?
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Sunday, March 15, 2015


We all are winning. The difference between feeling like we are winning or loosing in life depends upon our outlook. There is a transition period, but the other side is so beautiful. DO you wonder how one person can be cheery in the morning and another person is the opposite. It's all in the mindset and how you train your mind.

I was not as consistently happy as I am today. Today I know that I am winning. I had to be conscious of my thoughts, I had to realize that I control the channel.I love the beautiful weather where I live, I know that if I find myself feeling low, all I have to do is look up at the blue sky and I instantly feel better. My attention goes from whatever I am thinking or feeling to the wonderment of the world. To knowing that my life is not about "me". My life is about helping others and making a difference. I want to leave a legacy like Mary Kay and her pink Cadillac. A deal with the car dealerships that will never go out of style.

I know that I am winning, I find ways everyday to send love and appreciation to another. With Social media and the internet, it is so easy to reach out! I have food in my fridge, toothpaste and life's basic essentials. There are so many people out there who have so much less than I do. I find that I want to give what I do have to them. I want to make their day, I know that I will increase my own wealth by sharing. I know that I am winning because that is what life is about, finding ways to win, not always in monetary value because what we have to offer is so much more! A hug, a smile, a kind word etc... those are all wins in my book.
Learning to feel like a winner can be done with the right tools, drive and desire. If you would like to know more, let me know. Feel free to like, comment and share below.

You can transition from Military Life to Civilian Life

Weather you are worked for the government or a property of the government (Military or Inmate) there is a certain culture attached to it. A culture that is not known by many. You are told how to life your life, where to go and how to dress. All have chosen where they are because of the decisions they have made in life. They also choose how they respond to their environment. The environment is set up to be a very negative environment. Many people find themselves submersed in this environment. Much more negative than a traditional 9-5 job elsewhere.

When a person leaves this environment there is a feeling of freedom that is without words. There is also a feeling of, "what do I do now?" similar to moving out from your parent's house. They are free, but lack real world abilities. There is now a world of possibilities open up to them and now they have to take action, but which way? The person has spent many years of their life living a certain way, now that person must live in society as it is. This is where things can go right, or they can go wrong depending upon the choices they make.

The adjustments that must be made are in the mind, then take action. The world has not changed but the person has. The person can learn to live a full life in society regardless of the things they have gone through. The person can live a better life than the one they had prior to involvement with the government. They can become a true leader, they can show others that the past does not matter. To accomplish this they must be willing to learn tools and techniques that are not known my "mainstream" society. They followed a system before, so they have everything inside of them to now follow the rainbow which will lead them to their personal pot of gold. Their personal success defined by them, there is no greater feeling than that. Most of all there must be a strong desire to want a better life, to want change, to not be haunted by the past because today is a new day. Life is wonderful, life is so beautiful with the right mindset.
If you would like to know more about this, contact me. 
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#Military #PotofGold #Government #Inmate #Change #leadership

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Counting My WIns

It is so important to count your wins. I wanted to share some of mine with you, maybe you will be inspired. Wins are different for everyone, but all equally important.

Getting out of bed is always a win. For me, staying out of bed and not napping is another win.
Having a cup of coffee in the morning while looking out my window in amazement of this amazing world that I live in. That I can create anything I want.

Lately I have been getting out of bed with a spring in my step for no reason other than the joy of the day. The magic of I have another chance today to make my dreams a reality.
Going to bed feeling excited because I feel that I have made a difference today is another win.
Having the excitement of a 4 year old
Having the pleasure of watching my cat grow up. Right now there is a lot of wonderment in his eyes.
He teaches me so many lessons about life.
The innocence and curiosity that he holds for life.

We all can have a wonderful life if we make the decisions to do so. We choose our attitudes and beliefs. We choose weather we forgive someone or not. Remember that you do have more power over your life than you give yourself credit for.

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Friday, March 6, 2015

Joel Osteen and Personal Improvement

I am a student of personal development, leadership and law of attraction. I see these things in every speech that I hear from Joel, big thinking, law of attraction and personal development. I am able to recognize these aspects because I also practice those things. With that said, anyone really can be anything they aspire to be. The only limitations we have are those we set for ourselves.

Joel Osteen has many many followers, it is easy to see why. Personal development is something that everyone needs in their lives. It is something most people can appreciate on some level. What is not as easily understood is that it is as essential as breathing air. It also makes the difference between deep thoughtful breaths and hyperventilating because you are stressed out.  Every speech asks us to think bigger, to believe beyond our circumstances. (Big thinking & Law of attraction principal) He states common excuses that people say in their head relating to health or finances and how they are not valid (Personal development).

The concepts that he talks about relate to life. Personal development is not something that you read like an adventure book and file it away on the shelf. Personal development is meant to be implemented into your life. That is why he talks so much about applying the thought process and change into your life. He explains to you how he has succeeded, and how others succeeded. He also knows that he can not force anyone to do anything they are not wanting to do. He also knows that he can not ask you to do something that he has not already done himself.
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#PersonalDevelopment, #JoelOsteen #LivingLife #LawofAttraction

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

We Let our "mind" do the "thinking"

I wanted to talk to you today about how we let our minds control us, and to let you know there is a way to change this control to let your soul do the directing. It is a topic that happens a LOT more than it is discussed. I hope this helps you.

One thing that happens to me is my mind will get in these "ruts" where I am constantly replaying this negative (Imaginary) scene over and over in my head. It feels like I am spiraling down into a dark hole with this scene. This used to be my thought process 90% of the time. How often are you in this frame of mind? (For everyone it is different as Echart Tolle describes in "the power of now" some have a light pain body and others have a heavier one)

I was able to finally change this thought process around so that I am no longer thinking in this manner. For everyone it is a different process of how to get there & I will explain mine. What is takes to get there is the same. The first thing is awareness, much like admitting there is a problem. Once you are aware of the effects, it takes a a commitment to change, it takes learning how to change and doing the work it takes.

Through reading Echart Tolle, I learned about this mind pattern. There is a man who is talking to himself, he continues on and on. He realizes that we all do that in our minds, the only difference between him and that man is the man says it out loud without attachment to what others say or think. This really stayed with me. I have seen it happen as well. I also found a meditation practice that is a life changing tool. I then began working with a program that dives deep into becoming aware of thought patterns that we have on a daily basis. Today, these thought patterns are not running my life. It is like going to the gym to achieve your fitness goals. It takes daily activity and a commitment to change.  As the image below illustrates, you to can clean out all of the clutter floating around.
#EchartTolle #Power of Now #MindFreedom #happiness
If you would like to know more about this concept or the programs I have used, send me a message. 

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Creating Space for ourselves and others

Inspired by the Super Soul Sunday episode with Rob and Kirsten Bell speaking about the ZimZum of love in a marriage.  The part that they did not really speak about is this concept works for all relationships: friendships, family members, co-workers etc. 

We are all humans on this earth. We have things we go through because those are opportunities for us to grow. We are busy with obstacles and other things that we forget to first create space for ourselves. Creating that space is essential to life. This concept is very simple but is  not talked about as often as it should. Children need to know this as well. We can create the space we need to accept ourselves as we are in the moment. You can CHOOSE to do this right now. To accept that we are often hard on ourselves and we do not need to be. When we create space for ourselves, we are able to interact better with others. As a result our relationships improve. 

I know this concept to be true.I had to start with myself, my awareness. I myself have had relationships where there was not any space. When I initiated the space, I began to accept myself as I am. I then was able to accept the other person as they are. The surprising thing is that they were able to accept me as I am. I never thought this would have happened in the past. Together we are able to have a whole, respectful, and peaceful relationship. 

I want to leave you with you have the power to 
Have healthy relationships, starting with you.
change your relationships.
change the way you think and respond to situations
Power to love unconditionally
Change what does not serve you
#SuperSoulSunday #ZIMZUM #Love #Relationships
If you would like to know more how to have healthy relationships starting with yourself, feel free to send me a message. 

Monday, March 2, 2015

"The dress" debate has a lot to teach us about ourselves

It is really amazing how a simple picture has so much to teach us as individuals living in this world. It is amazing how one person seeking an opinion of  others has the world talking about it. A picture of "the dress" has been included here to show you.

Everyone is talking about what color the dress is. Everyone is absolutely sure it is...(colors). As a whole they are not open to other ideas or possibilities, and it has a world torn apart.  We become "stoppers" not only to ourselves but also to others because there is an insistent that the person with the "opinion is right. Science has included their facts about why this dress is viewed differently by others. They are saying, we see how both sides are correct. The colors of the dress are illusory

We are able to see past science and take that to a deeper level of understanding for others. This is simply an example of how divided we are but we can change that. We have the ability to come together and say "I understand that you see the situation as... and I can see how you would view things that way." Instead of "this situation is clearly..."

As we go through life we don't question what our eyes see and our eyes interpret. Much of what we are seeing is illusory. Because this is what should be a "simple answer" has turned out not to be so simple. We question it because there is such a large division in what people are saying.

In closing, be aware that others see things differently than you do, and that is Ok. Secondly be aware of your illusions because they can effect your life to a greater degree than the color a dress in a photo.

#goldand white