Sunday, March 15, 2015

You can transition from Military Life to Civilian Life

Weather you are worked for the government or a property of the government (Military or Inmate) there is a certain culture attached to it. A culture that is not known by many. You are told how to life your life, where to go and how to dress. All have chosen where they are because of the decisions they have made in life. They also choose how they respond to their environment. The environment is set up to be a very negative environment. Many people find themselves submersed in this environment. Much more negative than a traditional 9-5 job elsewhere.

When a person leaves this environment there is a feeling of freedom that is without words. There is also a feeling of, "what do I do now?" similar to moving out from your parent's house. They are free, but lack real world abilities. There is now a world of possibilities open up to them and now they have to take action, but which way? The person has spent many years of their life living a certain way, now that person must live in society as it is. This is where things can go right, or they can go wrong depending upon the choices they make.

The adjustments that must be made are in the mind, then take action. The world has not changed but the person has. The person can learn to live a full life in society regardless of the things they have gone through. The person can live a better life than the one they had prior to involvement with the government. They can become a true leader, they can show others that the past does not matter. To accomplish this they must be willing to learn tools and techniques that are not known my "mainstream" society. They followed a system before, so they have everything inside of them to now follow the rainbow which will lead them to their personal pot of gold. Their personal success defined by them, there is no greater feeling than that. Most of all there must be a strong desire to want a better life, to want change, to not be haunted by the past because today is a new day. Life is wonderful, life is so beautiful with the right mindset.
If you would like to know more about this, contact me. 
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#Military #PotofGold #Government #Inmate #Change #leadership

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